Terra Nova Farms

Ashley Graye

The most milkings on a Lely Astronaut A4 in North AmericaTerra Nova Farms (Ponoka, AB) has a lot to brag about in the world of Automated Milking, but they definitely won’t toot their own horn.Their singular Lely Astronaut A4 Automated Milking Robot has an astounding count of well over 820,000 milkings on it, since it’s installation and as of December … Read More

Topigs Norsvin Innova: Innovation in Action

Ashley Graye

Innovation in Action at Topigs Norsvin InnovaTopigs Norsvin Innova is an incredible show of innovation, technology and sustainability, as outlined in the most recent issue of The Modern Producer. Click here to read the article, and make sure you tour the barn below!

VALLI Poultry Products

Ashley Graye

AgriHub Inc is excited to represent VALLI Poultry products across Western Canada! Our farming partners will have access to the full line of VALLI products, with a focus on best-in-class enriched-housing systems, via Penner Farm Services (MB, AB), Western Ag Systems (SK) and United Agri Systems (BC).  VALLI offers efficient and durable solutions for Pullets, Laying Hens, Layer Breeders and Broilers. Headquartered … Read More

Sunshine Colony sees Milk Production Increase with Penner and Lely

Ashley GrayeDairy

In 2011, Paul Walter started his research into robotic milking. How would it fit in his barn, would it affect the dynamic of the dairy barn at Sunshine Colony? Robotic milking was something that had not been put into use by any of the Hutterite Colonies in Alberta, but that was soon to change. On January 9th, 2012, Sunshine Colony … Read More

Folsom Dairy

Ashley Graye

Penner Farm Services helps Canadian producers run efficient and profitable farms. We improve operations by offering an end-to-end approach that includes construction, equipment systems, farm supplies and farm advisory services.