Farming Partner Feature: Gringo Hogs

Joel Grenier is a 2nd generation farmer from St Labre, Manitoba. The land his hog farm, Gringo Hogs, resides on has been in his family for over 100 years. In 2002, they built a 2000 head finisher barn and immediately saw land benefits with manure application. 2004 saw barn number two constructed. Through Maple Leaf Agri-Farms, and with Topigs Canada … Read More

Farming Partner Feature: Buit Dairy

Wanting more is a common thread amongst Dairy Farms – more kgs per cow, more time, more efficiencies. Finding ways to get all three without sacrificing quality and production can be a tough road to navigate at times. That’s when Brandon and Russ decided to get in touch with their local Penner Farm Services Dairy Equipment team in Lacombe, AB. … Read More